100+ Animal names that start with “H”

Are you curious about the fascinating world of animals whose names begin with the letter “H”? Whether you’re a student, teacher, or simply an animal enthusiast, exploring unique names is a delightful way to learn more about the animal kingdom. From terrestrial creatures to aquatic dwellers, “H” unveils an intriguing array of species. In this article, we’ll take you on an educational journey, categorizing these names into land animals, birds, insects, and aquatic animals. Dive in to discover some surprising and intriguing names you might not have come across before!

Animal Names That Start With H

  1. Hare
  2. Hedgehog
  3. Hippopotamus
  4. Hyena
  5. Himalayan Tahr
  6. Hartebeest
  7. Highland Cow
  8. Horned Lizard
  9. Honey Badger
  10. Horse
  11. Hokkaido Wolf
  12. Hoary Marmot
  13. Helmeted Guinea Fowl
  14. Hainan Gibbon
  15. Hummingbird Hawk-Moth
  16. Himalayan Monal
  17. Hoatzin
  18. House Mouse
  19. Harpy Eagle
  20. Himalayan Black Bear
  21. Hog Deer
  22. Horned Frog
  23. Heaviside’s Dolphin
  24. Hispaniolan Solenodon
  25. Horseshoe Crab
  26. Horn Shark
  27. Hairy Armadillo
  28. Hornbill
  29. Honduran White Bat
  30. Harbor Seal

Bird Names That Start With H

  1. Harpy Eagle
  2. Hoopoe
  3. Horned Lark
  4. Hummingbird
  5. House Sparrow
  6. Himalayan Snowcock
  7. Helmeted Hornbill
  8. Heermann’s Gull
  9. Hawaiian Petrel
  10. Hooded Warbler
  11. Hoatzin
  12. Harlequin Duck
  13. Helmeted Guinea Fowl
  14. Harris’s Hawk
  15. Heron
  16. Honeyguide
  17. Hill Myna
  18. Houbara Bustard
  19. Hawaiian Goose (Nēnē)
  20. Hooded Merganser
  21. Highland Finch
  22. House Finch
  23. Hairy Woodpecker
  24. Hornbill
  25. Hooded Crow
  26. Harlequin Quail
  27. Hill Partridge
  28. Hen Harrier
  29. Hoopoe Lark
  30. Hawaiian Hawk

Insect Names That Start With H

  1. Hercules Beetle
  2. Harlequin Bug
  3. Honeybee
  4. Hoverfly
  5. Housefly
  6. Hornet
  7. Harvester Ant
  8. Hawk Moth
  9. Hemiptera (True Bugs)
  10. Head Lice
  11. Heath Grasshopper
  12. Hessian Fly
  13. Horsefly
  14. Harlequin Ladybird
  15. Hedgehog Cricket
  16. House Centipede
  17. Hemlock Moth
  18. Hairy Fungus Beetle
  19. Hummingbird Moth
  20. Harlequin Cockroach
  21. Hedge Wasp
  22. Horsehair Worm
  23. Honey Ant
  24. Horned Dung Beetle
  25. Hairworm
  26. Horned Treehopper
  27. Himalayan Glowworm
  28. Harlequin Cabbage Bug
  29. Hardwood Termite
  30. Hairy Tarantula Hawk

Aquatic Animal Names That Start With H

  1. Hammerhead Shark
  2. Harbor Seal
  3. Haddock
  4. Harlequin Tuskfish
  5. Horse Mackerel
  6. Horn Shark
  7. Humpback Whale
  8. Halfmoon Fish
  9. Hake
  10. Harp Seal
  11. Horseshoe Crab
  12. Hairy Frogfish
  13. Hatchetfish
  14. Hawaiian Cleaner Wrasse
  15. Harlequin Shrimp
  16. Hermit Crab
  17. Halfbeak Fish
  18. Halibut
  19. Hawkfish
  20. Hairy Triton
  21. Horned Blenny
  22. Hydroid Jellyfish
  23. Harpoon Shrimp
  24. Hypostomus (Catfish)
  25. Hawaiian Monk Seal
  26. Harlequin Filefish
  27. Hairy Seahorse
  28. Horn Coral
  29. Herring
  30. Hydrozoa

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