100+ Animal names that start with “L”

Animals are an integral part of our planet’s ecosystem, captivating us with their diversity and uniqueness. If you’ve ever wondered about the various creatures whose names begin with a specific letter, you’re in for an enlightening journey. Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of animal names that start with “L.” This list is perfect for students, educators, trivia enthusiasts, and anyone eager to expand their knowledge of the animal kingdom. From land mammals to aquatic wonders, this compilation highlights the beauty and variety of nature.

Whether you’re preparing a project, looking for fun facts, or just indulging your curiosity, exploring animal names alphabetically can be both educational and entertaining. Let’s explore these incredible creatures grouped into mammals, birds, insects, and aquatic animals. Each name sparks a world of intrigue and showcases the richness of biodiversity. So, let’s get started and uncover 30 animals, birds, insects, and aquatic creatures whose names begin with the letter “L.”


  1. Leopard
  2. Lion
  3. Lemur
  4. Llama
  5. Lynx
  6. Lowland Gorilla
  7. Linsang
  8. Little Brown Bat
  9. Long-Eared Hedgehog
  10. Long-Tailed Weasel
  11. Long-Nosed Bandicoot
  12. Lesser Mouse Deer
  13. Loris
  14. Labrador Retriever (domesticated)
  15. Lutung
  16. Lechwe
  17. Long-Tailed Shrew
  18. Large Flying Fox
  19. Little Rock Kangaroo
  20. Lesser Anteater
  21. Long-Beaked Echidna
  22. La Plata Dolphin
  23. Long-Tailed Marmot
  24. Lesser Grison
  25. Liger (hybrid)
  26. Little Red Flying Fox
  27. Little Pocket Mouse
  28. Long-Fingered Bat
  29. Lesser Hedgehog Tenrec
  30. Long-Nosed Potoroos


  1. Lark
  2. Lyrebird
  3. Little Egret
  4. Laughing Kookaburra
  5. Linnet
  6. Long-Eared Owl
  7. Lesser Flamingo
  8. Little Bustard
  9. Large-billed Crow
  10. Laysan Albatross
  11. Light-vented Bulbul
  12. Laughing Dove
  13. Lesser Goldfinch
  14. Little Tern
  15. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
  16. Leaf Warbler
  17. Lemon Dove
  18. Lanceolated Warbler
  19. Long-tailed Tit
  20. Lapwing
  21. Little Owl
  22. Lesser Frigatebird
  23. Little Corella
  24. Lace-necked Dove
  25. Lesser Rhea
  26. Laced Woodpecker
  27. Little Stint
  28. Little Cormorant
  29. Lesser Coucal
  30. Lesser White-fronted Goose


  1. Ladybug
  2. Leafhopper
  3. Locust
  4. Longhorn Beetle
  5. Lacewing
  6. Lanternfly
  7. Leafcutter Ant
  8. Long-legged Fly
  9. Lichen Moth
  10. Leaf Beetle
  11. Large Blue Butterfly
  12. Long-tailed Skipper
  13. Little Fire Ant
  14. Lace Mantis
  15. Large Gold Grasshopper
  16. Light Brown Apple Moth
  17. Longhorn Moth
  18. Longhorn Grasshopper
  19. Lappet Moth
  20. Lesser Mealworm
  21. Large Tortoiseshell Butterfly
  22. Lobster Moth
  23. Lesser Swallow Prominent
  24. Lesser Wasps
  25. Lameere’s Lanternfly
  26. Lichen Spider
  27. Lace Bug
  28. Leconte’s Haploa Moth
  29. Leaf Rolling Grasshopper
  30. Long-legged Grasshopper

Aquatic Animals

  1. Lobster
  2. Leatherback Sea Turtle
  3. Lamprey
  4. Lionfish
  5. Lungfish
  6. Longnose Gar
  7. Largehead Hairtail
  8. Longspine Squirrelfish
  9. Longfin Bannerfish
  10. Leopard Shark
  11. Lanternfish
  12. Leafy Sea Dragon
  13. Little Skate
  14. Lined Seahorse
  15. Lumpfish
  16. Longfin Pike
  17. Leopard Moray Eel
  18. Longnose Hawkfish
  19. Lemon Shark
  20. Largetooth Sawfish
  21. Leopard Ray
  22. Lace Coral
  23. Little Tunny
  24. Long-Spined Sea Urchin
  25. Lobed Comb Jelly
  26. Lesser Spotted Dogfish
  27. Leopard Flounder
  28. Longfin Smelt
  29. Longnose Butterflyfish
  30. Lammergeier Wras

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