100+ Animal names that start with “M”

When it comes to learning about the fascinating world of animals, knowing their names can be an exciting first step. If you’re on a quest to discover animal names that start with “M,” you’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re a student, an animal lover, or just someone looking to expand your knowledge, this list of animals will spark your interest. From mammals to birds, insects to aquatic animals, each creature has something unique to offer.

This list not only satisfies curiosity but also serves as a helpful resource for educators and students alike. In today’s digital age, finding the right kind of educational content can be overwhelming, but with this article, we aim to make it both simple and engaging. Read on to explore 30 animal names that start with “M”—a selection of species that will take you across various habitats, environments, and ecosystems.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a broader understanding of the animal kingdom and maybe even find a few animals you never knew existed. Let’s dive into this alphabetical journey through the wild world of animals starting with the letter “M”!

1. Animals Starting with “M”

  1. Moose
  2. Mountain Lion
  3. Manatee
  4. Mole
  5. Mongoose
  6. Monkey
  7. Margay
  8. Markhor
  9. Mandrill
  10. Muntjac
  11. Mule
  12. Mouse
  13. Musk Ox
  14. Malayan Tapir
  15. Mara
  16. Mastiff
  17. Malayan Civet
  18. Megabat
  19. Marsupial Mole
  20. Marmoset
  21. Mink
  22. Meerkat
  23. Mountain Goat
  24. Mule Deer
  25. Mountain Gorilla
  26. Montane Guinea Pig
  27. Marten
  28. Microbat
  29. Malayan Pangolin
  30. Moon Bear

2. Birds Starting with “M”

  1. Macaw
  2. Magpie
  3. Mallard
  4. Merlin
  5. Myna
  6. Masked Booby
  7. Meadowlark
  8. Marabou Stork
  9. Mourning Dove
  10. Marsh Harrier
  11. Mockingbird
  12. Mountain Bluebird
  13. Magellanic Penguin
  14. Muscovy Duck
  15. Malachite Kingfisher
  16. Montagu’s Harrier
  17. Micronesian Kingfisher
  18. Mottled Owl
  19. Mountain Quail
  20. Masked Lapwing
  21. Montezuma Oropendola
  22. Marbled Murrelet
  23. Monal
  24. Metallic Pigeon
  25. Madagascar Pochard
  26. Maroon Oriole
  27. Melodious Warbler
  28. Mountain Thrush
  29. Mangrove Cuckoo
  30. Malleefowl

3. Insects Starting with “M”

  1. Monarch Butterfly
  2. Mosquito
  3. Moth
  4. Mayfly
  5. Mantidfly
  6. Mole Cricket
  7. Milkweed Bug
  8. Mud Dauber
  9. Mealybug
  10. Metallic Wood-boring Beetle
  11. Mosquito Hawk
  12. Mountain Pine Beetle
  13. Mexican Bean Beetle
  14. Marsh Fly
  15. Midges
  16. Malaria Mosquito
  17. Mealworm Beetle
  18. Mango Leafhopper
  19. Mud Wasp
  20. Mantis
  21. Marmalade Hoverfly
  22. May Beetle
  23. Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
  24. Mud Skipper
  25. Minute Pirate Bug
  26. Melon Fruit Fly
  27. Mole Flea
  28. Marsh Beetle
  29. Moth Fly
  30. Marsh Mosquito

4. Aquatic Animals Starting with “M”

  1. Manta Ray
  2. Marlin
  3. Manatee
  4. Moray Eel
  5. Moon Jellyfish
  6. Mussel
  7. Monkfish
  8. Mudskipper
  9. Megamouth Shark
  10. Mozambique Tilapia
  11. Marine Iguana
  12. Mud Crab
  13. Mahi Mahi
  14. Mexican Tetra
  15. Monte Carlo Fish
  16. Marblefish
  17. Mosquitofish
  18. Mediterranean Monk Seal
  19. Mangrove Whipray
  20. Masked Goby
  21. Moon Wrasse
  22. Mud Minnow
  23. Mottled Sculpin
  24. Mountain Whitefish
  25. Marine Toad
  26. Mangrove Oyster
  27. Mexican Blind Cavefish
  28. Marine Angelfish
  29. Macrourid Fish
  30. Malabar Grouper

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