100+ Animal names that start with “O”

When it comes to exploring the incredible diversity of the animal kingdom, narrowing the focus to animals with names that start with specific letters can be both educational and fascinating. In this article, we’ll shine a spotlight on animal names that start with “O”. Whether you’re a student, a trivia enthusiast, or simply curious about nature, this list is designed to inform and intrigue.

From animals that roam the land to those that soar the skies or swim the vast oceans, “O”-named species are as varied as they are unique. Some of these animals are common, while others are rare and exotic, showcasing the diversity of life. By the end of this article, you’ll have an extensive list of animals that start with “O” to expand your knowledge. Let’s dive in!

Animal Names That Start With “O”


  1. Ocelot
  2. Okapi
  3. Olingo
  4. Onager
  5. Otter
  6. Opossum
  7. Olive Baboon
  8. Orca (also categorized as aquatic)
  9. Oldfield Mouse
  10. Orange Bat
  11. Oriental Civet
  12. Ornate Shrew
  13. Otterhound
  14. Olive Colobus
  15. Oriental Small-clawed Otter
  16. Ochre Bush Squirrel
  17. Oregon Vole
  18. Oribi
  19. Olive Grass Mouse
  20. Omura’s Whale (also aquatic)
  21. Orange-bellied Marsupial
  22. Oken’s Gecko
  23. Olive Tree Rat
  24. Old World Rabbit
  25. Orinoco Crocodile (also reptile, often semi-aquatic)
  26. Ornate Box Turtle
  27. Orange-striped Longtail
  28. Ochre Long-eared Bat
  29. Otago Skink
  30. Olive Sparrow


  1. Owl
  2. Ostrich
  3. Osprey
  4. Orange Weaver
  5. Orchard Oriole
  6. Oriental Pied Hornbill
  7. Olive-backed Sunbird
  8. Orange-cheeked Waxbill
  9. Oriental Turtle Dove
  10. Olive Warbler
  11. Oriental Magpie Robin
  12. Orange-fronted Parakeet
  13. Olive Thrush
  14. Orange-breasted Green Pigeon
  15. Oriental White-eye
  16. Olive-winged Bulbul
  17. Orange-billed Babbler
  18. Olive Sparrow
  19. Orange-headed Ground Thrush
  20. Oriental Skylark
  21. Olive-backed Oriole
  22. Orange-footed Scrubfowl
  23. Oriental Stork
  24. Olive Oropendola
  25. Olive-crowned Crescentchest
  26. Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher
  27. Orange-flanked Bush Robin
  28. Olive-green Camaroptera
  29. Orange-tufted Spiderhunter
  30. Olive-backed Woodpecker


  1. Oak Tree Hopper
  2. Olive Green Butterfly
  3. Orange Ladybug
  4. Oriental Cockroach
  5. Orange Sulphur Butterfly
  6. Orb Weaver Spider
  7. Orchid Bee
  8. Olive Grasshopper
  9. Orange-tip Butterfly
  10. Oak Gall Wasp
  11. Oriental Fruit Moth
  12. Ochre Paper Wasp
  13. Orange Blossom Beetle
  14. Olive Damsel Fly
  15. Obscure Root Weevil
  16. Oriental Swallowtail
  17. Olive Branch Borer
  18. Opal Wing Moth
  19. Ochre Vine Caterpillar
  20. Orange Tree Cricket
  21. Oak Spider
  22. Olive Leaf Miner
  23. Orange Long-horn Beetle
  24. Orchard Spider
  25. Ochre Shield Bug
  26. Olive Tent Caterpillar
  27. Orange Bark Beetle
  28. Oriental Stick Insect
  29. Orbicular Shield Bug
  30. Ochre Lacewing

Aquatic Animals

  1. Octopus
  2. Orca
  3. Ocean Sunfish
  4. Opah
  5. Olive Sea Snake
  6. Ornate Wrasse
  7. Orange Roughy
  8. Otter
  9. Omura’s Whale
  10. Olive Ridley Turtle
  11. Ocean Perch
  12. Orbicular Batfish
  13. Olive Flounder
  14. Oceanic Whitetip Shark
  15. Ornate Spiny Lobster
  16. Ocellaris Clownfish
  17. Olive Sea Urchin
  18. Orange Starfish
  19. Ocellated Dragonet
  20. Olive Goby
  21. Opaleye Fish
  22. Ochre Sea Cucumber
  23. Ornate Butterflyfish
  24. Ocean Threadfin
  25. Orbicular Dory
  26. Oyster
  27. Orange Sea Squirt
  28. Oarfish
  29. Ocellated Frogfish
  30. Ochre Toadfish

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