100+ Animal names that start with “P”

Animal names spark curiosity and often help us connect with nature. Today, let’s explore the diverse world of animals, birds, insects, and aquatic creatures whose names start with the letter “P.” This is your ultimate guide to learning and discovering some of the most fascinating and educational animal names, perfect for quizzes, school projects, or simply satisfying your curiosity!

Did you know that many “P” animals play vital roles in ecosystems? From majestic mammals to tiny insects, each contributes uniquely to our planet’s biodiversity. Read on for a list of captivating names that will expand your animal vocabulary and teach you about the wonders of nature.

Animals That Start With “P”

  1. Panda
  2. Pangolin
  3. Pika
  4. Polar Bear
  5. Puma
  6. Porcupine
  7. Platypus
  8. Pronghorn
  9. Proboscis Monkey
  10. Potoroo
  11. Patas Monkey
  12. Pere David’s Deer
  13. Persian Cat
  14. Peruvian Hairless Dog
  15. Polish Tatra Sheepdog
  16. Philippine Tarsier
  17. Pine Marten
  18. Pocket Gopher
  19. Pademelon
  20. Paint Horse
  21. Plott Hound
  22. Parson Russell Terrier
  23. Pharaoh Hound
  24. Poodle
  25. Portuguese Water Dog
  26. Puli
  27. Pygmy Goat
  28. Pygmy Hippopotamus
  29. Pygmy Slow Loris
  30. Pygmy Marmoset

Birds That Start With “P”

  1. Peacock
  2. Pelican
  3. Penguin
  4. Parrot
  5. Pheasant
  6. Puffin
  7. Peregrine Falcon
  8. Piping Plover
  9. Purple Finch
  10. Pied Wagtail
  11. Painted Bunting
  12. Palm Cockatoo
  13. Pink Flamingo
  14. Pitta
  15. Pacific Golden Plover
  16. Philippine Eagle
  17. Pied Kingfisher
  18. Plumed Whistling Duck
  19. Pyrrhuloxia
  20. Pintail
  21. Purple Martin
  22. Pied Cormorant
  23. Parakeet
  24. Paradise Flycatcher
  25. Pomarine Jaeger
  26. Pied Bush Chat
  27. Peregrine Hawk
  28. Pink Robin
  29. Painted Stork
  30. Pied Avocet

Insects That Start With “P”

  1. Praying Mantis
  2. Paper Wasp
  3. Purple Emperor Butterfly
  4. Painted Lady Butterfly
  5. Potter Wasp
  6. Pine Sawyer Beetle
  7. Pea Aphid
  8. Pill Bug
  9. Pine White Butterfly
  10. Pavement Ant
  11. Puss Moth Caterpillar
  12. Panther Ant
  13. Polka Dot Wasp Moth
  14. Pearl Crescent Butterfly
  15. Plaster Bee
  16. Plant Bug
  17. Pine Processionary Caterpillar
  18. Pirate Spider
  19. Peacock Butterfly
  20. Plume Moth
  21. Poinsettia Thrip
  22. Palm Weevil
  23. Painted Grasshopper
  24. Pistol Shrimp (though aquatic, it’s often mistaken as an insect)
  25. Pond Skater
  26. Peacock Spider
  27. Polistes Wasp
  28. Pink Bollworm
  29. Paper Kite Butterfly
  30. Prairie Mole Cricket

Aquatic Animals That Start With “P”

  1. Pike
  2. Pufferfish
  3. Porpoise
  4. Pacific Salmon
  5. Perch
  6. Pilot Whale
  7. Pink Dolphin
  8. Peacock Bass
  9. Painted Turtle
  10. Purple Sea Urchin
  11. Pipefish
  12. Pygmy Seahorse
  13. Pacific Cod
  14. Paddlefish
  15. Parrotfish
  16. Pig-nosed Turtle
  17. Pomfret
  18. Pacific Halibut
  19. Pearl Oyster
  20. Pistol Shrimp
  21. Plecostomus
  22. Portuguese Man O’ War
  23. Pacific Lamprey
  24. Painted Lobster
  25. Pyjama Shark
  26. Pacific Albacore Tuna
  27. Pacific Herring
  28. Peacock Shrimp
  29. Pink Snapper
  30. Prawn

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