100+ Animal names that start with “R”

Animal names that start with “R” are a fascinating topic for educators, students, and wildlife enthusiasts. Whether you’re exploring the animal kingdom for a school project, diving into the marvels of nature, or simply satisfying your curiosity, animals with names beginning with “R” offer a unique glimpse into the biodiversity of our planet. From the wild savannahs to the tranquil oceans, and even in the skies, you’ll discover a rich variety of creatures that all share one thing: their names start with this remarkable letter.

In this article, we’ve curated an extensive list of animal names that start with “R.” The list is categorized into land animals, birds, insects, and aquatic animals, making it easier for you to explore different groups. Keep reading to uncover some amazing species and expand your knowledge of the animal kingdom.

Animals That Start With “R”

Land Animals

  1. Rabbit
  2. Raccoon
  3. Rat
  4. Red Fox
  5. Rhinoceros
  6. Red Panda
  7. Roe Deer
  8. Rock Hyrax
  9. Reindeer
  10. Ring-tailed Lemur
  11. Red Wolf
  12. Rusty-Spotted Cat
  13. Rock Wallaby
  14. Red Kangaroo
  15. Rhodesian Ridgeback (Dog)
  16. Ribbon Snake
  17. Ratel (Honey Badger)
  18. Russian Blue (Cat)
  19. Roseate Spoonbill
  20. Red River Hog
  21. Rock Python
  22. Red-backed Salamander
  23. Round-tailed Ground Squirrel
  24. Red-Legged Frog
  25. Rusty Patched Bumblebee
  26. Rough Collie (Dog)
  27. Russian Tortoise
  28. Radiated Tortoise
  29. Red-Eared Slider
  30. Ribbon Seal

Birds That Start With “R”

  1. Robin
  2. Raven
  3. Red-Tailed Hawk
  4. Roseate Tern
  5. Red-Winged Blackbird
  6. Rock Pigeon
  7. Ring-Necked Pheasant
  8. Red-Crowned Crane
  9. Ruddy Duck
  10. Red-Bellied Woodpecker
  11. Red-Headed Vulture
  12. Rainbow Lorikeet
  13. Rose-Ringed Parakeet
  14. Red Kite
  15. Red-Footed Booby
  16. Rosy Finch
  17. Rufous Hummingbird
  18. Red-Wattled Lapwing
  19. Ring Ouzel
  20. Ruddy Turnstone
  21. Red-Backed Shrike
  22. Red-Shouldered Hawk
  23. Rock Wren
  24. Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
  25. Racket-Tailed Drongo
  26. Red-Necked Grebe
  27. Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
  28. Red-Collared Widowbird
  29. Red Junglefowl
  30. Royal Tern

Insects That Start With “R”

  1. Rice Weevil
  2. Red Ant
  3. Rosy Maple Moth
  4. Rhinoceros Beetle
  5. Red-Legged Grasshopper
  6. Robber Fly
  7. Rusty Tussock Moth
  8. Red Velvet Ant
  9. Red Milkweed Beetle
  10. Rice Leafroller
  11. Red-Headed Ash Borer
  12. Rosy Apple Aphid
  13. Red-Banded Leafhopper
  14. Red-Spotted Purple Butterfly
  15. Rusty Millipede
  16. Red Flour Beetle
  17. Rove Beetle
  18. Red-Legged Shieldbug
  19. Red-Humped Caterpillar
  20. Ruby Tiger Moth
  21. Red Firebug
  22. Rice Stalk Borer
  23. Red Paper Wasp
  24. Rose Chafer
  25. Red Spider Mite
  26. Red Pumpkin Beetle
  27. Red-Lipped Snail
  28. Rusty Mason Bee
  29. Rattle Grasshopper
  30. Red-Horned Stag Beetle

Aquatic Animals That Start With “R”

  1. Rainbow Trout
  2. Red Snapper
  3. Rockfish
  4. Remora
  5. Razor Fish
  6. Red Drum
  7. Reef Shark
  8. Ribbon Eel
  9. Red-Spotted Newt
  10. River Otter
  11. Rosy Barb
  12. Redtail Catfish
  13. Rudderfish
  14. Reef Triggerfish
  15. Red Piranha
  16. Round Goby
  17. Rock Lobster
  18. Royal Gramma
  19. Red-Lipped Batfish
  20. Rainbow Wrasse
  21. Red Coral Crab
  22. Red Lionfish
  23. River Stingray
  24. Red Swamp Crayfish
  25. Red-Eye Tetra
  26. Razor Shell
  27. Red Knob Starfish
  28. Rusty Crayfish
  29. Red Sea Urchin
  30. Rock Crab

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