100+ Animal names that start with “S”

When it comes to animals, there’s an incredible diversity of creatures, each with its own unique traits and characteristics. From towering mammals to tiny insects, animals are not only fascinating but also play an essential role in maintaining balance in nature. One of the most interesting things to explore is how animals’ names often reflect some aspect of their nature or environment. In this article, we will delve into an exciting list of animal names that start with “S”, which is a letter that seems to pop up across many species.

The letter “S” is particularly rich in variety, offering an array of fascinating animals ranging from the earth to the skies, to the waters. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a student, or simply curious about the wildlife around you, this article is for you. We’ve carefully curated a list of animals starting with “S,” and broken them down into categories such as mammals, birds, insects, and aquatic animals. So let’s dive in and discover some of the incredible creatures whose names begin with the letter “S.”

Ready to uncover the amazing world of “S” animals? Let’s go!

Animals That Start With “S”

  1. Siberian Tiger
  2. Sloth
  3. Snow Leopard
  4. Swan
  5. Spotted Hyena
  6. Squirrel
  7. Scimitar-horned Oryx
  8. Shark
  9. Samurai Jackal
  10. Sable
  11. Sealion
  12. Sunda Pangolin
  13. Swamp Wallaby
  14. Sri Lanka Elephant
  15. Sika Deer
  16. Shiba Inu
  17. Southeast Asian Tiger
  18. Sundarbans Tiger
  19. Sambar Deer
  20. Short-tailed Weasel
  21. Skunk
  22. Saltwater Crocodile
  23. Saguarro Lizard
  24. Spotted Cuscus
  25. Shih Tzu
  26. Shetland Pony
  27. Sharp-shinned Hawk
  28. Stingray
  29. St. Bernard
  30. Somali Wild Ass

Birds That Start With “S”

  1. Secretary Bird
  2. Snowy Owl
  3. Sparrow
  4. Swallow
  5. Starling
  6. Swan
  7. Snipe
  8. Seagull
  9. Shorebird
  10. Scarlet Macaw
  11. Spotted Dove
  12. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
  13. Sharp-shinned Hawk
  14. Siskin
  15. Swainson’s Hawk
  16. Spoonbill
  17. Sandpiper
  18. Savannah Sparrow
  19. Sociable Weaver
  20. Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
  21. Snow Goose
  22. Sumatran Ground Cuckoo
  23. Superb Fairywren
  24. Silver Pheasant
  25. Sooty Tern
  26. Saffron Finch
  27. Shama
  28. Shoveler
  29. Swan Goose
  30. Scarlet Ibis

Insects That Start With “S”

  1. Silkworm
  2. Scarab Beetle
  3. Stonefly
  4. Stag Beetle
  5. Sphinx Moth
  6. Stinging Ant
  7. Swallowtail Butterfly
  8. Salt Marsh Moth
  9. Springtail
  10. Spider
  11. Sawfly
  12. Sweat Bee
  13. Silverfish
  14. Squash Bug
  15. Shield Bug
  16. Saddleback Caterpillar
  17. Syrphid Fly
  18. Skipper Butterfly
  19. Snail
  20. Shore Fly
  21. Spiny Ant
  22. Spring Crane Fly
  23. Soft-winged Flower Beetle
  24. Stilt-legged Fly
  25. Scentless Plant Bug
  26. Silver-spotted Skipper
  27. Swarming Termite
  28. Sundew Fly
  29. Stag Beetle
  30. Serrate Weevil

Aquatic Animals That Start With “S”

  1. Shark
  2. Squid
  3. Starfish
  4. Salmon
  5. Seahorse
  6. Seal
  7. Swordfish
  8. Stingray
  9. Sponge
  10. Sole
  11. Sand Dollar
  12. Scallop
  13. Swordtail Fish
  14. Surgeonfish
  15. Sea Otter
  16. Snapping Turtle
  17. Spiny Lobster
  18. Silverfish
  19. Suckerfish
  20. Striped Bass
  21. Sardine
  22. Sailfish
  23. Shad
  24. Scorpaenidae
  25. Softshell Turtle
  26. Sea Cucumber
  27. Squid
  28. Siberian Sturgeon
  29. Swan Mussel
  30. Snipefish

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