100+ Animal names that start with “T”

Are you fascinated by the diversity of the animal kingdom? Whether you’re an animal enthusiast, a student, or just curious about creatures from all around the world, you’re in for a treat. Animals with names starting with “T” are abundant, and many of them are as unique as their names suggest. From towering land mammals to tiny insects, this list offers a wide variety of species you can discover.

In this article, we explore a collection of 120 animals—ranging from terrestrial animals to marine life and winged creatures. Each animal holds its own charm, and some of these species may surprise you with their names or characteristics. So if you’re looking to expand your knowledge about wildlife, or simply want to impress others with your knowledge of animals, you’re in the right place.

Let’s dive into this exciting list of animals that start with the letter “T.”

Terrestrial Animals That Start with “T”

  1. Tiger
  2. Tapir
  3. Tortoise
  4. Tasmanian Devil
  5. Tahr
  6. Thylacine
  7. Triceratops
  8. Tsetse Fly
  9. Tree Kangaroo
  10. Timberwolf
  11. Three-toed Sloth
  12. Tamaraw
  13. Tenrec
  14. Tungara Frog
  15. Tarantula
  16. Turkey
  17. Tibetan Mastiff
  18. Tadpole
  19. Tungara Bat
  20. Trout (freshwater species)
  21. Tamarin
  22. Tucan
  23. Tanuki
  24. Thomson’s Gazelle
  25. Tortoise Beetle
  26. Tri-color Heron
  27. Terrapin
  28. Truffle Hog
  29. Tibetan Antelope
  30. Tarantula Hawk Wasp

Birds That Start with “T”

  1. Turkey Vulture
  2. Toco Toucan
  3. Tawny Owl
  4. Tree Sparrow
  5. Tern
  6. Thick-billed Murre
  7. Trinidad Piping-Guan
  8. Tropicbird
  9. Turtle Dove
  10. Tawny Frogmouth
  11. Tinamous
  12. Three-wattled Bellbird
  13. Takahe
  14. Trumpeter Swan
  15. Turaco
  16. Tengmalm’s Owl
  17. Tody
  18. Tigris Canarie
  19. Troupial
  20. Tomtit
  21. Titmice
  22. Tufted Puffin
  23. Thick-knee
  24. Tricolored Blackbird
  25. Tawny-crowned Pygmy-Tyrant
  26. Teal
  27. Taita Falcon
  28. Tropical Kingbird
  29. Treecreeper
  30. Tasmanian Native-hen

Insects That Start with “T”

  1. Termite
  2. Tree Cricket
  3. Tsetse Fly
  4. Tiger Moth
  5. Tarantula Hawk
  6. Tungara Beetle
  7. Thorn Bug
  8. Tiger Beetle
  9. Twilight Moth
  10. Tobacco Hornworm
  11. Tailed Jay Butterfly
  12. Tussock Moth
  13. Tarantula Spider
  14. Tachinid Fly
  15. Tramp Ant
  16. Tropic Cicada
  17. Tamarisk Beetle
  18. Trichogramma Wasps
  19. Tiger Ant
  20. Three-striped Moth
  21. Titan Beetle
  22. Tassel-eared Moth
  23. Tawny Mining Bee
  24. Tortricid Moth
  25. Ten-lined June Beetle
  26. Twilight Firefly
  27. Tungara Moth
  28. Tephritid Fly
  29. Transparent Winged Fly
  30. Tropic Weevil

Aquatic Animals That Start with “T”

  1. Tuna
  2. Trout
  3. Turtle
  4. Tarpon
  5. Triggerfish
  6. Thresher Shark
  7. Tadpole
  8. Tuatara
  9. Tiger Shark
  10. Tortoise
  11. Trochus Snail
  12. Toadfish
  13. Tropical Fish
  14. Tern
  15. Tang
  16. Trumpetfish
  17. Trilobite
  18. Tigertail Seahorse
  19. Tasselled Wobbegong
  20. Thorny Sea Star
  21. Tympanotonus
  22. Tetra
  23. Tigerfish
  24. Titan Triggerfish
  25. Tope Shark
  26. Tusk Fish
  27. Tambaki
  28. Three-Spined Stickleback
  29. Tetraodon
  30. Tahitian Grouper

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