When it comes to exploring the vast diversity of animal life, we often come across fascinating creatures that leave us in awe of nature’s beauty and complexity. Some animals’ names are unique and intriguing, starting with uncommon letters like the letter “U”. From land animals to birds, insects, and aquatic creatures, animals that start with “U” offer a broad range of species from various habitats around the world.
Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a curious learner, or a student working on a project, this article will introduce you to an extensive list of animal names beginning with the letter U. Prepare to uncover amazing creatures across different categories, each with its own distinct features. You’ll be surprised at the variety of animals whose names begin with U!
So, let’s dive into the wild and discover some of the most interesting and lesser-known animals that start with “U”. This list will feature species from all corners of the globe, showcasing their beauty and rarity.
1. Animals Starting with “U”
Land Animals
- Uakari
- Ursus (Brown Bear)
- Upholsterer
- Undulate
- Uinta Ground Squirrel
- Ulysses Butterfly
- Urial
- Ugandan Kob
- Urmia Kangaroo Rat
- Usambara Zebra
- Uruguayan Land Crab
- Uromastyx
- Upland Cavy
- Ulster Blackface Sheep
- Uinta Mountain Goat
- Umbrella Bird
- Upland Sandpiper
- Urals Owl
- Ugandan Grey Crowned Crane
- Urocissa (Blue Magpie)
- Unicolored Jay
- Ural Owl
- Uptland Plover
- Uniformed Tit
- Uptick Plover
- Usher’s Parrot
- Uinta Ground Dove
- Undulated Antpitta
- Urzella’s Tree Finch
- Upupa (Hoopoe)
2. Insects Starting with “U”
- Urania Moth
- Utetheisa
- Urocerus (Horntail Wasp)
- Ubristes
- Uncini
- Ubaid Worm
- Urocerus Gigas
- Ulidiidae Fly
- Ulysses Butterfly (also an insect)
- Urogyna
- Urocerus borealis
- Urocerus albicollis
- Ursus Ant
- Urocerus scrobiculatus
- Urula beetle
- Uptick Ant
- Udo Tree Cricket
- Uranochilus
- Ulpian’s Ant
- Ulbax Beetle
- Uraemia ant
- Underwing Moth
- Undulated Grasshopper
- Upholstered Weevil
- Utah Tiger Beetle
- Undistinguished Moth
- Ubiquitous Tick
- Uroderma bat
- Urban Mite
- Upend Moth
3. Aquatic Animals Starting with “U”
- Umbrella Squid
- Uakari Fish
- Urchin Fish
- Ugandan Lake Tilapia
- Urodelia (Salamander)
- Uptake Clam
- Undulate Ray
- Underwater Lamprey
- Urocardia
- Upstream Salmon
- Urocyon Fish
- Ukrainian Sea Cucumber
- Ulotrichales
- Ulvae
- Underwater Gecko
- Urechis (Tongue Worm)
- Ursid Jellyfish
- Ushiro-shita Fish
- Ushar Fish
- Uretae Squid
- Uptick Whale
- Ukatemelus
- Undulate Flatfish
- Unicorn Fish
- Unagi Eel
- Umbrella Octopus
- Underwater Snail
- Ubiquitous Sea Star
- Uruh Fish
- Uptake Catfish