100+ Animal names that start with “V”

When you think of animals, you might not immediately think of those whose names start with the letter “V.” However, there is a fascinating variety of creatures across the globe that boast this distinctive first letter. Whether you’re a nature enthusiast, a student researching biology, or just curious about the animal kingdom, you’ll find this list of animals that start with the letter “V” intriguing. From majestic mammals to bizarre insects, these animals are diverse and unique in their own right.

In this article, we will explore various species across different categories, including mammals, birds, insects, and aquatic animals, all beginning with the letter “V.” This list will give you an idea of the rich variety that exists within the animal kingdom, shedding light on lesser-known species and highlighting some interesting facts along the way. So, let’s dive right into it!


  1. Vampire Bat
  2. Vaquita
  3. Vervet Monkey
  4. Vicuna
  5. Virginia Opossum
  6. Volcano Rabbit
  7. Voles
  8. Vicuña
  9. Vallée’s Bats
  10. Viral Hares
  11. Velvety Tree Frog
  12. Vanikoro Dwarf Cuscus
  13. Vanuatu Flying Fox
  14. Variegated Squirrel
  15. Vesuvian Forest Frog
  16. Varying Hare
  17. Venezuelan Red Howler Monkey
  18. Vallée’s Elephant Seal
  19. Vanilla Pod Moth
  20. Vancouver Island Marmot
  21. Violet Cuckoo
  22. Vagabond’s Monkey
  23. Vancouver Island Deer
  24. Vampire Fruit Bat
  25. Violet-backed Starling
  26. Violet-breasted Hummingbird
  27. Vagrant Shrew
  28. Vigo’s White-Cheeked Lion
  29. Vestal Tiger
  30. Vail’s Wild Cat


  1. Vulturine Guineafowl
  2. Vermilion Flycatcher
  3. Violet-crowned Hummingbird
  4. Vermilion Parrotfish
  5. Vanderbilt’s Warbler
  6. Venezuelan Troupial
  7. Violet-backed Starling
  8. Vireo
  9. Violet-eared Hummingbird
  10. Vermilion Robin
  11. Valkyrie Eagle
  12. Vulturous Owl
  13. Violet-crowned Woodpecker
  14. Vanuatu Kingfisher
  15. Venezuela’s Rufous-tailed Jacamar
  16. Violet-Throated Metaltail
  17. Vireonidae
  18. Venezuelan Woodcreeper
  19. Violet-headed Parrot
  20. Varlie’s Flamingo
  21. Viveka Kingfisher
  22. Vervain Swallowtail
  23. Vulture Buzzard
  24. Violet-tailed Sylph
  25. Vangidae
  26. Vireo Warbler
  27. Vulture Hawk
  28. Violet-tipped Woodpecker
  29. Variegated Bunting
  30. Vanguard Pigeon


  1. Violet Tiger Moth
  2. Vine Weevil
  3. Variegated Grasshopper
  4. Vinegaroon
  5. Venus Flytrap Ant
  6. Vane-Winged Locust
  7. Vivid Green Darner
  8. Velvet Ant
  9. Viceroy Butterfly
  10. Violet Cabbage Butterfly
  11. Vanderbilt Ant
  12. Velvety Tree Ant
  13. Vine Moth
  14. Valley Tiger Moth
  15. Vanilla Moth
  16. Violet-Winged Dragonfly
  17. Vast-winged Tussock Moth
  18. Violet-spotted Ladybird
  19. Variegated Leafhopper
  20. Vampire Moth
  21. Veldt Ant
  22. Velvet Mite
  23. Vulcan Dragonfly
  24. Virginia Tiger Moth
  25. Vibrant Grasshopper
  26. Velvety Ant Beetle
  27. Vigorous Carpenter Ant
  28. Vernal Hoverfly
  29. Vortex Butterfly
  30. Vanishing Bee

Aquatic Animals

  1. Viperfish
  2. Vasturina Whale
  3. Violet Sea Slug
  4. Vampire Squid
  5. Vibrant Blue Tang
  6. Vermilion Snapper
  7. Valencia Carp
  8. Vachellia Fish
  9. Venus Clam
  10. Vonggi Fish
  11. Vast Fish
  12. Vancouver’s Salmon
  13. Venezuelan Rockfish
  14. Vibrant Coral Goby
  15. Violet Goby
  16. Venerupis Clam
  17. Vanity Eel
  18. Viper Moray
  19. Vibrant Lanternfish
  20. Veridic Sea Dragon
  21. Vanda Shark
  22. Vardette Lobster
  23. Vermilion Fish
  24. Vermilion Seahorse
  25. Venezuelan Swimmer
  26. Vast Coral Trout
  27. Violet Squid
  28. Vanguard Fish
  29. Vermicelli Fish
  30. Violet Jellyfish

With these amazing creatures from across various categories of the animal kingdom, you now have a better appreciation of the diversity of species that start with the letter “V.” From the aquatic depths to the skies above, these animals contribute to the intricate web of life on Earth.

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