100+ Animal names that start with “W”

Are you fascinated by the wonderful world of animals? Have you ever wondered about the creatures whose names start with the letter “W”? From majestic wildlife in the forests to the deep-dwelling aquatic animals, the animal kingdom is home to a vast array of creatures whose names may not be as familiar as others. This article dives into the list of animal names that start with “W”, covering a variety of categories, including mammals, birds, insects, and aquatic creatures.

Whether you are an animal enthusiast, a student, or simply someone looking to expand your knowledge about the natural world, you’ll find a wide selection of interesting species that begin with this unique letter. Ready to discover them? Keep reading to explore these incredible creatures, each with its own distinct characteristics and role in the environment.

1. Animals

Mammals are a fascinating group of animals that are characterized by their warm-blooded nature, hair or fur, and the ability to nurse their young. Here’s a list of mammals that start with the letter “W”:

  1. Walrus
  2. Wolverine
  3. Wallaby
  4. Whale
  5. Woodchuck
  6. Wild Boar
  7. Wombat
  8. White Rhinoceros
  9. Wildebeest
  10. Weasel
  11. Western Lowland Gorilla
  12. Wolf
  13. Water Buffalo
  14. Wildcat
  15. Whip-poor-will
  16. Wart Hog
  17. Whitetail Deer
  18. Wendigo
  19. Western Spotted Skunk
  20. Wild Dog
  21. White-tailed Jackrabbit
  22. Wagyu Cattle
  23. Wallowing Wildebeest
  24. Whiskered Bat
  25. Wood Bison
  26. White-footed Mouse
  27. Western Tarsier
  28. West Indian Manatee
  29. Wolf Spider
  30. Whiptail Lizard

2. Birds

Birds are a diverse group of creatures, known for their feathers, beaks, and ability to fly (although not all birds do). Below are birds whose names start with “W”:

  1. Woodpecker
  2. Wren
  3. Whimbrel
  4. White-throated Sparrow
  5. White Stork
  6. Woodswallow
  7. Willow Warbler
  8. Wedge-tailed Eagle
  9. Warbler
  10. West Indian Whistling Duck
  11. Whip-poor-will
  12. Whistling Kite
  13. Wandering Albatross
  14. Wattled Crane
  15. Western Meadowlark
  16. White-crowned Pigeon
  17. White-winged Dove
  18. Warty-crowned Swiftlet
  19. Wandering Tattler
  20. White-faced Ibis
  21. Woodcock
  22. Wilson’s Snipe
  23. Waterfowl
  24. White Pelican
  25. White-tailed Eagle
  26. Whiskered Tern
  27. Wallace’s Standardwing
  28. West Australian Shelduck
  29. Wilson’s Phalarope
  30. Western Sandpiper

3. Insects

Insects, the most abundant group of animals on Earth, come in various shapes and sizes. Let’s explore the insect world and their fascinating diversity. Here’s a list of insects that start with “W”:

  1. Wasp
  2. Weevil
  3. Whitefly
  4. Wood Ant
  5. Worm
  6. Woolly Bear
  7. Wattle Tick
  8. Wasp Moth
  9. Weaver Ant
  10. Worm Grass
  11. Western Honeybee
  12. Wood Borer
  13. Walking Stick
  14. Whip Scorpion
  15. Wheat Weevil
  16. Water Strider
  17. Woolly Aphid
  18. Wax Moth
  19. Webworm
  20. White-spotted Longhorn Beetle
  21. Water Bug
  22. Wingless Grasshopper
  23. Wormwood Moth
  24. Wind Scorpion
  25. Wandering Spider
  26. Woolly Maggot
  27. Woodlice
  28. Wasp Spider
  29. Wormfly
  30. Willow Flycatcher

4. Aquatic Animals

Aquatic life is vast, with numerous species found in oceans, rivers, and lakes around the world. Here are some aquatic creatures whose names start with the letter “W”:

  1. Whale Shark
  2. Walrus
  3. Whiting Fish
  4. Warty Sea Cucumber
  5. Water Snake
  6. Woodfish
  7. White Shark
  8. Wormfish
  9. Whiskered Auklet
  10. White Sturgeon
  11. West Indian Manatee
  12. Whipray
  13. Warty Frogfish
  14. Wood Turtle
  15. White Bass
  16. Weedy Sea Dragon
  17. Western Sand Dollar
  18. Warty Sea Urchin
  19. Whale
  20. White-Tailed Sea Eagle
  21. White Sea Urchin
  22. Whale Fin
  23. White Coral
  24. Water Frog
  25. Western Lowland Manatee
  26. White-tip Reef Shark
  27. Weever Fish
  28. White Marlin
  29. Wall-eyed Pike
  30. Whale Fish

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