If you’re a fan of animals or just love exploring the vast diversity of the animal kingdom, you might have noticed that animal names can be fascinating, especially those that are a little more rare. One letter that often leads to some unique and less familiar species is the letter “Y.” In this article, we’ve compiled an extensive list of animal names that start with “Y” across various categories. From the mammal kingdom to the seas, this list will introduce you to some incredible creatures you may not have encountered before. Whether you’re a biology enthusiast or just curious, keep reading to discover 120 interesting and unique animals that begin with the letter “Y.”
In the world of zoology, a name can tell a lot about an animal’s characteristics, its environment, or its discovery history. It’s always intriguing to see how animals are named and to uncover more about these creatures that share our planet. So, if you’re ready to expand your knowledge and learn about some animals starting with “Y,” here is a complete list divided into mammals, birds, insects, and aquatic animals.
- Yak
- Yellowtail
- Yeti
- Yellow-bellied Marmot
- Yunnan Golden Monkey
- Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby
- Yack
- Yapok
- Yaguarete
- Yunnan Snub-nosed Monkey
- Yuanmou (a prehistoric mammal)
- Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey
- Yara
- Yarara
- Yellow-eyed Penguin (though primarily a bird, sometimes categorized under Mammals)
- Yukon Wolf
- Yapok
- Yakutian Laika
- Yunnan Red Panda
- Yukon Moose
- Yellow-necked Spiny Rat
- Yellow-crowned Amazon
- Yunnan Brown Monkey
- Yogis
- Yogurt Bear
- Yachting Mammal
- Yew Frog
- Yupik
- Yardens
- Yenisei Dragon
- Yellow Warbler
- Yellow-eyed Penguin
- Yaffle
- Yellow-breasted Chat
- Yellow-crowned Night Heron
- Yellow-throated Warbler
- Yellow-headed Blackbird
- Yellow-shouldered Amazon
- Yucatan Parrot
- Yellow-billed Cuckoo
- Yungas Parrot
- Yellow-rumped Warbler
- Yellow-crowned Amazon
- Yunnan Hill Partridge
- Yukon Raven
- Yellow-legged Gull
- Yoruba Pigeon
- Yunnan Blue Robin
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
- Yacouba Crane
- Yellowish Pipit
- Yunnan Tit
- Yugoslavian Partridge
- Yap Island Fruit Dove
- Yap Island Kingfisher
- Yellow-headed Amazon Parrot
- Yellow-billed Stork
- Yellow-naped Amazon
- Yucatan Kingbird
- Yaguarete Eagle
- Yellow Woolly Bear
- Yellowtail Moth
- Yellow Crazy Ant
- Yellow Spotted Ladybird
- Yellow-winged Tortoise Beetle
- Yellow-striped Mosquito
- Yeti Crab
- Yellow Swallowtail Butterfly
- Yea Beetle
- Yellow-eyed Ant
- Yellow Dragonfly
- Yamato Beetle
- Yellow-tipped Butterflies
- Yugo Ant
- Ypsilon Shark
- Yger Ant
- Yellow-patched Locust
- Yellow Cutworm Moth
- Yunnan Cicada
- Yale Spur-winged Ant
- Yahu Caterpillar
- Yellow-striped Scorpion
- Yowling Wasp
- Yellow Jumping Spider
- Yehus Ant
- Yellow Spotted Tarantula
- Yellow-legged Tortoise Beetle
- Yee Moth
- Yugioh Fly
- Yellow-marked Moth
Aquatic Animals
- Yellowtail Fish
- Yellowfin Tuna
- Yeti Crab
- Yarara Sea Snake
- Yarra Prawn
- Yellow Goby
- Yellow-bellied Sea Snake
- Yellow-spotted Pufferfish
- Yolk Sac Fish
- Yellowtail Snapper
- Yunnan Fish
- Yucatan Darter
- Yardline Fish
- Yoshino Salmon
- Yabby
- Yellow-flanked Piranha
- Yagara Fish
- Yemenese Whale
- Yellow-striped Bass
- Yunnan Trout
- Yugoslavian Clam
- Yellow-banded Fish
- Yippee Crab
- Yowie Fish
- Yetti’s Abyss
- Yap Piranha
- Yellow-throated Sea Snake
- Yellow-tail Clownfish
- Yellowbelly Sea Snake
- Yukon Perch